Monday, January 17, 2011

My non-progress.

It rained today, so I didn't get any car repairs done. I don't feel too good about that.
I walked to the store, in the rain, to get some food to last for a couple of days. Now, I have no money, no car, no gas to heat with and no money for meds (I ran out today). The last time I saw my doctor, he emphasized that I should never go without my meds. No one seems to understand - when you're broke, you can't do anything. Certainly, a cardiologist doesn't understand being broke.
Other than walking to the grocery store, I've just been in the house all day - watching "The Lord of the Rings."
I feel so helpless just waiting. But, that's what I have to do. My unemployment money probably won't be available until Thursday, because of the MLK holiday.
I'm a patient man, but my patience is wearing thin. Very thin. If you could see it, it would look like those slices of bread used to make Donald's sandwich in "Mickey and the Beanstalk."


  1. This is an outrage! You need to get that no-account nephew of yours to help you out.

  2. When I saw that you had commented, I thought it would be about the Disney reference...
    I WILL survive! :)
