Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RIP Don Kirshner.

Don Kirshner died yesterday. One report said he was 76. Another said 77. He was known in the music industry as "The Man with the Golden Ear."
I first became aware of him in the 70s, through his show "Don Kirshner's Rock Concert." It was one of the only shows on TV where you could see real rock and roll played live. Some of these acts were eye (and ear) openers: Bowie, Alice, Kiss, Ramones, the New York Dolls, T.Rex, etc.
I fondly remember his low key, somewhat monotone, introductions. He was kinda like an Ed Sullivan for the 1970s.
He was instrumental in the careers of too many people to mention - from the 1960s until his death. He certainly was a fixture of my youth. Goodbye, Don.

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