Monday, January 24, 2011

Mindless meandering.

I heard a guy on NPR, tonight, talking about theoretical mathematics, the string theory and the idea of "multiverses" - parallel universes. I would go mad contemplating these notions at any length. Just what I've read about black holes warped my mind. I wish I could make sense of my own personal microcosm. I know I'll never understand my place in the universe. Or universes.
The next story, on NPR, was about a little known R+B record label, from the 60s, called Goldwax. The songs were great, the performances soulful and the production, gorgeous. That I could understand.

Life keeps happening. The wheel keeps turning. Is there a point to it? Are we animals confined to an unnatural system of societal pressures? Is that why we're so miserable? I know I keep trying to make my dog change certain behaviors, but he can't. He's a dog. His brain is wired differently.
I think my brain is wired differently. Artists (good and bad) attempt to create their OWN universes. Or inject some order into the one they already have. Now, if I could only find a way to make a living from this philosophy...
"Solipsism" is the idea that you can only know your own mind - that all other minds are unknowable and, get this, may not even exist! I generally find my mind to be incomprehensible and I often question ITS existence.
Label that. (Insanity?)

1 comment:

  1. I caught that too, or part of it. I also skimmed a piece in the NYTimes that was in the same vein. The title of it was something about not being afraid of death. I can't get a good grip on all of that stuff either. It seems so theoretical as to be little more than educated wishful thinking. Though I must admit that I'd really like to have the time to try and figure that shit out. It does seem like a better way of figuring out why we're here and what we should be doing than religion.
