Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cindy and me.

Cindy was a friend and co-worker. She was also my girlfriend's best friend. This was taken by my girlfriend, around 1990.
When I think about those days, and those people, it makes me want to cry. If I could, I would go back in a second.
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  1. I enjoy all of BOGL, but I love it when you post pictures.

  2. I posted that from my phone and wasn't logged in to my "wonderpop" account or something. It was the first time I've posted from my phone. I was video taping a guest lecturer when I did that. The class was about coaching, and this guy is the head baseball coach at one of our local high schools. I've taped several guest coaches for this course, and these guys all genuinely seem to love coaching. They get something special out of the deal. It makes me a little jealous.
