Sunday, January 23, 2011

Crunch time.

My income has been cut in half. Meanwhile, my bills continue to mount.
Because this has been one of the coldest winters on record and because I've been home more (necessitating more heating), my electric bill has nearly quadrupled! (Not to mention the gas bill [although, it seems I did].) My car repairs have amounted to $700 so far. I have the added phone bill, now that I don't have a work phone. I've used up every bit of money I had saved (which, admittedly, wasn't much). And there's no relief in sight.
Tons of bills, half the income. Do the math. This WILL NOT add up. I would sell blood, if I wasn't concerned about it affecting my heart condition. Or, if anyone would even want my blood, with my checkered past.
I'm just going to have to stay in bed all day. If I don't get up, I won't be going anywhere, eating, using heat or spending money. How's that for a plan? I should have implemented this plan before I wrecked my car...
And, life keeps happening.

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