Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life goes on.

Although it's still cold, it did get above freezing for a little while today, so the snow has begun to melt. I took a trip out to the grocery store, this morning. My car doors were frozen and I had to scrape 3 inches of snow off of my windows. The roads are slushy and muddy. Everything looks sad compared to yesterday. It's just cold and nasty now.
I didn't get much done today. I went to the ATM and checked the balance on my unemployment card, but they haven't added anything yet. Usually, it's in there by Tuesday. It cost me 2.00 to check! I washed some dishes, put my clothes away, vacuumed the floors and used the Coinstar at the Food Lion. I had about 62.00 in coins.
I HAVE to get out tomorrow and do some job searches. I'm behind this week.
Meanwhile, the cold weather will not let up. It's supposed to get into the teens sometime this week. I'll be needing propane again before I know it. I'm trying to use it sparingly, but I'm sick of freezing.
I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight and do some reading. I'm reading "Another Roadside Attraction" by Tom Robbins. I started it years ago and never finished it, for some reason. It's rare that that happens. I did it with "The Brothers Karamazov." I haven't gotten back to that one, yet...

1 comment:

  1. I've read a Tom Robbins book that Jim hasn't! I don't recall much about it, but I did read it.
