Monday, January 24, 2011

My progress.

It's not right, it's not pretty, but it's back together and on the road. Everything is "off" because of the warpage from the accident. The closer you look, the worse IT looks. But, I got the lights working and it has a new radiator and AC condenser.
I'm going to drive this piece of crap 'til it dies (hopefully, no time soon).

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  1. At first I thought, "Kick-ass hood pins!". Then I blew the picture up and noticed that they're the kind from the hardware store. It fits in with the Frankenstein theme.

  2. Drives fine. Yeah, you shouldn't look too closely. That photo makes it look much better than it actually is. But, it runs and drives and the hood's not gonna fly up. Fuck it...

  3. Those are wing nuts, right? Please tell me they're screwed on to all thread ;) How do you spell all thread? What a wonderful invention!

    Great job Jimmi. I'm glad you've got some wheels again.

  4. I looked it up. It's all thread. Although, I did find a company called Allthread. And,yes, I did use all thread. It is a great invention. I love it when things are handy, simple and they work.
    I wouldn't have been able to have wheels if it wasn't for you. Thanks, again.
