Sunday, January 9, 2011


I haven't been checking in much lately for a variety of reasons. I have a relative staying with me, for one thing. This has definitely put restrictions on my lifestyle. Like right now: I'm trying to compose a sentence and he is sitting in my seat in the living room watching a football game on TV. How long will this go on? These games are pretty long, right? Am I going to be able to watch the Simpsons? I hate football.
I can't concentrate on writing and I've been exiled, in my own home, to my bedroom. I usually cook something good on Sunday afternoons and watch a movie. I'm a creature of habit. I don't like change.
Another reason I haven't been contributing to the blog is that I've been editing (re-re-re-editing) my little book. It's called "Theme Furor." Also, I've been shooting footage for the film, "Mortal." I thank my friend Chuck for assisting me with those 2 projects.
I need to get out tomorrow and do some serious job searching. God, I hate being unemployed. That's another thing, I'm depressed about my circumstances and don't feel as if I should keep harping about it every time I write. It's hard, though. It just comes out.
Here's to being positive!

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