Thursday, December 30, 2010

Almost 2011.

I'm still reeling from all that has happened to me in the last few months. I'm sure some people think I should just get over it, but I've got some deep emotional wreckage to dig through - not to mention the practical concerns of health AND employment in this crazy economy. Given a similar situation, I'd like to see THEIR recovery efforts! To anyone who doesn't understand, know this: I'm doing the best I can - even though my best may not seem very good at all, to an outside party.
The day after tomorrow will be 2011! I'm going to formulate some sort of plan for the new year. Not so much a resolution. More like a map. I've got some big decisions to make. I may have to take some perilous risks.
I'm sure Woody Allen was being facetious when he said, "Change is death." But, when you've experienced a shit-storm of tribulation, you will gladly take change, no matter what it means.
(He also said you have to keep moving, like a shark...)

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to hear more about these "perilous risks". And what about the film? When do you start shooting? Will you keep BOGL updated with your progress?

    The people want to know!
