Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holiday films. Fanny and Alexander.

Ok, this is not an official holiday film, but it has a big, elaborate Christmas scene in it - so, to me, it qualifies as much as Woody's "Hannah and Her Sisters," which I usually watch every Thanksgiving (it has 3 Thanksgiving scenes in it).
"Fanny and Alexander" is one of my all time favorite movies. It's big, funny, chilling, dark (it IS a Bergman film), beautifully shot (by Sven Nykvist, of course) and, ultimately, life affirming. What more could someone need in a movie?
I only have an old double tape VHS copy, that I found at a flea market. I hope to one day find it on DVD.
It won 4 Academy Awards, in 1983. Highly recommended.
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