Saturday, December 18, 2010


Sunday Nov. 9

Don wanted to get up early, but we slept until 11:15. He got up and hurried to the electronics exhibition. I am on my own today. The weather is cool and very cloudy.
Left the hotel at about 1:00 and started walking. Retraced many steps from yesterday, but this time I could identify some of what I saw. Visited Frauenkirche built in 1486. It's very impressive. Also saw Peterskirche built in 1050 but only saw the outside. Also saw outside of Residenz. Wanted to walk to the Hofgarten but it was so cold I decided to return to the hotel at 3:30. This afternoon a Greek tourist tried to pick me up - offered to buy me a cup of coffee, flattering but not something I wanted to do. Don got back at 5:30 and after doing some paper work we decided to go out for dinner at 7:30. We wanted to eat at the Hafnbauer which we finally found after a couple of false starts. However we did not have reservations and the restaurant was full. Returned to the hotel restaurant Johreszieten Ecke. Don had oxtail stew - very good - I had chicken leg stuffed with liver and marrelll mushrooms - also good but Don's was better. Had a good Riesling wine because it was the only one I could pronounce. For desert I had a nut cream with vanilla sauce - very light and good. Don had vanilla Bavarian cream with raspberry sauce. The cream was heavier than mine and the sauce was too overpowering. Tonight we were in bed by 9:30.

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