Sunday, December 12, 2010

I often imagine the saddest things.

I sometimes think about what it would be like if I were corresponding with someone online, that I had never met, and then I died. Or if they died. Usually I'm the one who dies - because I often feel as if I'm GOING to die. But, the thing is, they would email a bit and say "Where are you? You there? Did I say something wrong?" Or, maybe they would get angry, thinking I had snubbed them and didn't want to talk to them anymore - but didn't have the decency, or the courage, to say something.
That whole scenario strikes me as heartbreakingly sad. The person left behind will never know what happened, because, even though they may have had a pleasant experience with you online, they didn't really know you at all. And the deceased person (usually me, in these imaginings) doesn't have a chance to explain. "I'm sorry. It's been nice chatting with you, but I have to go now..."
I would like my friend Chuck to leave a nice comment on this blog when I pass. Something that lets anyone who may have stumbled across it know what happened to me.
The reason the blog has stopped short, in case anyone should be curious, is because the blogger is no more. Everyone deserves closure.

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