Saturday, December 18, 2010


Sat. Nov. 8

Sunrise at 1:30 am New York time. Cloudy, breakfast of orange juice "slush", tea, and blueberry muffins. Arrive in Frankfurt at 8:45 German time (2:45 New York). Left Frankfurt after changing planes at 10:10. (Everything from now on is German time.) Weather is cold, cloudy. Arrive in Munich at 11:00. Not even asked to show passport. Airport smaller than I expected. Took cab to hotel. The weather is beautiful, bright and sunny - they had snow a few days earlier, but it's all gone now. The hotel is impressive, lots of polished dark wood, carpets and shining crystal. Clerk cannot find our reservation, but gives us room 370. Very nice room done mainly in green, has twin beds pushed side by side. Refrigerator bar stocked with beer, wine, pop and Underberg - which is something to soothe the stomach. After Don showers and I soak in a bubble bath, we take maps and are ready to explore. We went out at about 3:30, it was cloudy, cool and damp. Streets full of bustling people. We walked and walked, just enjoying watching people, shop windows, the distinctive architecture and reading menus posted outside of restaurants. Stopped for a beer in a small bar and restaurant. Then we got slightly lost but found our way back to hotel with help of map. Walked to Hofbrauhaus only a couple of blocks from hotel. What a fantastic place - very large, people sit at long tables, Bavarian band plays occasionally and people sing alone or in groups when ever they feel like it. Waitress can carry 6 1 liter mugs of beer at a time. Joined by a group of Swedish business men, led by a German who spoke English - very nice people. Went upstairs for dinner. Waitress was hearty both in manner and build. She controlled her tables with an iron hand but was very nice to us. We had homemade liver sausage, chunky and delicious Regensburg sausage and a sauerkraut that was almost sweet in flavor. Then we had roast ham hocks with 2 kinds of dumplings and salad. Don had a liter of Boch beer that was dark and quite sweet. Dinner was a great experience. People have been eating and drinking at the Hofbrauhaus since 1589! Back at the hotel we met Mr. Kobota and 3 other Japanese associates and had a drink at the bar. Very pleasant ending to a fabulous day.

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