Monday, December 20, 2010


Mon. Nov. 17

Up at 7:30. Breakfast before 9:00. Take a taxi to the Tower of London. It is raining and windy but not cold. The Tower is just as depressing as I always imagined it to be. Managed to hook up with a tour at the Bloody Tower. Guards are not really called Beef-eaters but Yeoman Wardees and they must have spent at least 22 years in the British army or air force with no crimes and an honorary discharge plus 2 service medals on foreign soil. Their reward for service was set by King Henry VIII (49 pence while in service - that's per month - and 1 pound per month upon retirement). They also receive a salary. The Crown Jewels are fantastic - never saw such gems and gold beyond imagination. Visited Beauchamp (pronounced Beecham) Tower. Inscriptions on walls made by prisoners. The white tower is the original and contains an unbelievable amount of armour and ornaments. Bought Yorkie Bars and caught a taxi for hotel and Heathrow. Our last pint at Heathrow. I had Courage beer. Lunch on plane of chicken, rice, green beans, cheese, ice cream sundae, white wine.
Arrive at J.F.K. Airport at 4:30 pm. Through customs quickly. Take bus to La Guardia (bus driver very rude compared to those we encountered in Europe). Arrive at La Guardia to learn that Elmira airport is closed because of snow! Reschedule flight on American Airlines to Syracuse - another new city for me. Arrive in Syracuse at 8:30 pm. Snow is very heavy and deep. Rent a car and drive only as far as a nearby Howard Johnson's motel. Not as luxurious as those we have been staying in - but clean and warm - what else do you really need?
Walked in snow to restaurant for hamburger dinner - we sure are back in the U.S. Call the kids - 6 inches of snow on ground at home. We are both asleep before 11:00 pm.

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