Saturday, December 11, 2010

Trudging across the tundra.

It's a cold and rainy Saturday morning. I'm just checking emails, etc.
The past 2 weeks have been a blur of mundanity. I'm allowing myself a little time to come to grips with what has happened to me. It's not been easy. As much as I try, it's still the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep, as well as the first thing I think of upon awakening. It's hard to resign myself to what I see as such a bizarre and irrational injustice.
But, I keep plodding on. Trudging across the tundra, as it were.
I've been corresponding with someone online. I told him I belonged to the blank generation and he responded that anyone who quotes Richard Hell was alright by him. I, in turn, was impressed that he knew who Richard Hell was - and I told him so. He's heard one of my songs online and he compared it to Jim Morrison (I always get that...), Frank Zappa, Jack Kerouac, PIL and Sonic Youth. Pretty good company!
He said it was simple, yet complex.
It's pretty odd that he said that. I have what I call a Dumb/Smart theory on songwriting. I like to cite the Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper" as an excellent example of a Dumb/Smart song lyric. Also, I have a line, in a small book I wrote, that describes the protagonist as "A simple being, therefore complex." And, I guess that's how I see myself.
It's still gray and rainy. I should probably attempt something constructive today. We'll see.


  1. Hey! You didn't write "Don't Feat the Reaper".
    Poser ;)

  2. There, I edited it. Is that any better?
    Btw, I'm not sure WHO wrote "Don't FEAT the Reaper..." ;)
