Monday, December 13, 2010

This and that. Nothing, really.

I just read Ben Fong-Torres' "The Rice Room." Then, I picked up a copy of John Irving's "The Water-Method Man." I have several copies lying (laying?) about my house. I opened it up to the first page and read the opening line: "Her gynecologist recommended him to me." The next thing I knew, I had read that book again - for the umpteenth time. I have to find something to start on, now. A new book.
I bought all of the Christmas presents I could (ill) afford, today. They've been wrapped and placed under the tree. It's a pitifully small pile.
It's going to be very cold tonight - in the teens. I hope my propane doesn't run out. It seems as if it always runs out on the coldest night. I swear, I've got to seal up some of the cracks in this old house. It's really hard to heat.
I've been having odd heart palpitations (flutterings?) for the last few days. It's so hard to describe the sensations, but they make me feel awful. They seem to have subsided a bit today. Thank you, Jeebus, Buddha, Sponge Bob... I have an appointment with my cardiologist Friday.
My sisters keep insisting, quite adamantly, that I need to get my doctor to say that I qualify for S.S. Disability benefits. They don't understand the process. It's rather difficult to obtain benefits.
My life has become such a mess over the last few months.
I have a crossword puzzle lying (laying? I need to check "The Elements of Style!") on my bed, waiting for me. And I've put my new (thrift store new) heavy comforter on, because of the weather. That makes my bed seem all the more inviting.
Good night.

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