Saturday, December 18, 2010

"MEMOS." (Introduction.)

I love finding scraps of paper with notes on them. I've sometimes found letters. Often, people leave interesting bookmarks in used books: Airline tickets, receipts, pictures. I even like to find grocery lists left in shopping carts. It's a glimpse into someone else's life.
I found this tiny memo pad, recently, while going through some of my things. I haven't a clue where it came from. It certainly wasn't written by anyone I know. After leafing through it, I felt a need to document it. It's a snapshot of a stranger. Things like this fascinate me.

(Note: The hand writing in this pad is small, tight and hard to read, and many of the place names, etc., are foreign. I've attempted to preserve the spellings used in the text and correct them when necessary and possible. Please forgive me for any misspellings.)
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