Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Mary Ann in Autumn."

My good friend Chuck just sent me this book as a holiday gift. I knew it was being written, but I didn't know it was already out. I was so excited to receive it. I read half of it last night (I would have kept going, but I could no longer keep my eyes open) and finished it tonight. What fun! God, I love those characters. I only hope that this isn't the last in the series - although, after 32 years, I worry about what might happen to some of our gang. And Armistead isn't getting any younger, either. But, as Mary Ann realizes, you have to appreciate the NOW. (Although, the past has a way of sneaking up to your door, sometimes...)
Thanks again, Chuck!
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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it Jimmi. Sorry I'm not around to keep you company for the holidays. I'm literally covered in sawdust right now, at 8:30pm on Christmas eve.
