Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Life is no way to treat an animal." Kurt Vonnegut

My heart's not working right. It's beating out of time. Fluttering, sputtering, flapping, gasping, gurgling.
Everything has changed. That's a lot to deal with. I carry my phone with me and practice my speed dialing. I think about how I'll be found and worry about folks rummaging around in my things, after I'm gone. I'm concerned that my legacy will be messy and untoward. I don't even know who I am anymore.
And I'm all alone.
As much as I delved into my psyche, when I was younger, I never reached the depths that I now know. I'm quite intimate, at this point, with these new surroundings, but because of past experience, I sense there's someplace deeper still. That much I've learned. Although, I don't know what to make of this knowledge.
Sheer joy, abandonment of inhibitions, calm, the ability to be spontaneous, foot loose and fancy free - all of these things have vanished. I'm worried, uptight, afraid to try anything, afraid to travel (even short distances), afraid of what I know, concerned about being with someone who doesn't know my situation - in case something should happen.
It's looming - the thing that might (will) happen. It's an awful presence.
I know I should focus on the positive - god knows, I try - but, it's rather difficult when EVERY beat of your heart - something you always took for granted and never noticed - reminds you of your mortality.
I know I'm a drag to the world, and myself, but I'm doing the best that I can.

1 comment:

  1. Hey pal! Lighten up a bit already ;)

    Thanks for the card, it arrived today. Long live the king!
