Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just checking in.

I'm back from Chapel Hill. It was a very long day. The trip up and back was one thing, but I had to under-go several tests while there and they were constructing a new wing, so, apparently, space was at a premium. It took forever to get access to rooms for the EKG, Ultrasound and the doctor consultation. And to see the financial aid specialist.
My condition seems to be unchanged, so, at least, it hasn't gotten any worse. After interrogating my device, my cardiologist said that I have had no recorded instances of V-tach since starting the new meds. He did raise some troubling issues with me, though. One thing we talked about was the looming device replacement surgery. I'll have to have that done in about a year. It's going to be a HUGE bill. That's another concern we talked about.
I should be dead. Under normal circumstances, I would be. I'm being kept alive through medications and high tech devices. It's unnatural. I think about that a lot.
Oh well, I'm just happy to be here - whatever the reason.

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