Thursday, December 23, 2010

In (stupid) dreams.

I did golf course work, for almost 17 years, until just recently. After a series of bizarre events, I was let go - with no explanation.
It haunts me.
Last night, I had a dream that I was on the golf course, working. I had a rake and I was attempting to tidy up an area. Some golfers, a man and a woman, rode by in a cart. The woman looked at what I was doing and said, "Oh, that looks a lot better." Then it dawned on me: I don't work here anymore. Taking pride in what I was doing, I wanted to finish it, but I was afraid that my ex-boss was going to come along and make me leave.
Just before I woke this morning, I was having a dream that I was making a grilled cheese sandwich. I reached into the bread bag and pulled out a one dollar bill, as if it were a slice of bread. I reached back in for the second "slice" and pulled out a twenty. I remember thinking that I couldn't use a twenty dollar bill just to make a grilled cheese sandwich. I reached back into the bag, looking for another single. It was all twenties, except for a lone ten. I couldn't make my sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. To this day I still have golf course dreams. I had one last night. I still dream about being in the army too.
