Monday, December 6, 2010

What if?

I try not to repeat myself too much in this blog, but after all that I've posted since last last February, it's bound to happen. And there are some things that I feel the need to explore further or just reiterate. Some things that are on my mind today, were on my mind a year ago. Or 10 years ago. Some topics have been on my mind almost every waking hour (and sometimes, in dreams, too) of my entire life - like sex, food, weight, self image and social awkwardness.
Let's talk about social awkwardness. That's often the catalyst for some of the other issues I've listed. Listen, parents - make sure your child feels special and capable. Don't beat your children. I grew up being beaten, and I thought it was normal for most of my life, but it isn't. And look how I turned out.
Take your kids skating, make sure they take piano lessons (or tuba or violin or voice), teach them to swim, or how to play baseball, or bowl. And, for god's sake, read to them. That's one thing I got. My mom did read to me.
I was beaten down as a child - both mentally and physically, and let me tell you, even though I'm now 50 years old, it affects me, in big ways, every day of my life.

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