Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Snoopy's alter ego.

I had a Joe Cool composition book in high school. My history teacher, Ms. Smith, who had a very dry - some would say, sarcastic - sense of humor, began calling me that. Most of her students disliked her - she was rather strict - but I was fond of her. She taught by lecturing, while coolly sashaying through the room, and used a familiar tone when referring to historical figures, as if she had known them. Washington would be "Ol' Georgie," for instance. She tried to treat us as adults. Of course, we were really just a bunch of teenage imbeciles who couldn't appreciate her unique charms.
This is a Joe Cool card I received last year. Inside it says, "Have a cool yule!" I thought I would interject this bit of colorful silliness into the blog as an antidote to the last few somber entries.
Oh, in case there's anyone on the planet who doesn't know, the design is based on the "Peanuts" comic strip by Charles Schulz.
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