Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas thoughts.

I saw a couple dressed like Santa and Mrs. Claus in front of a store the other day. What really attracted my attention was their costumes - they were really high quality. Very "authentic." Then, Mrs. Claus pulled out a pack of cigarettes and fired one up!
Mrs. Claus smokes.

I remember a Christmas, as a kid, when my parents must have been pretty broke. I mean, I never got much for Christmas anyway, but that year, I got a shirt, some socks and a bible! It was everything I could do to keep from showing my disappointment. I nearly cried. Little kids don't want clothes for Christmas. And, a bible?! Jeez...

We have a bag lady in our town. She's an old black woman who stands on the side of the road with a bunch of shopping bags, filled with sticks and stuff. She'll stand there for hours, like she's waiting for a bus. It makes me think of the song "Delta Dawn." She paints her face with lip stick and wears crazy hats with things stuck to them. She's pretty much a fixture and the locals barely notice her anymore.
I saw her Christmas shopping the other day. She was wearing some red, green and gold ornaments, and her bags, which were blocking an isle in the store, had plastic poinsettias interspersed among her usual dead flora. Someone told me that the local Hardee's gives her free food. I hope she's safe and warm and has a good Christmas, wherever she is.

It doesn't feel like Christmas at all when you're broke, out of work and have no one to spend it with. I'm going to cook my turkey loaf and watch "Fanny and Alexander." At least I have some propane for heating.

I remember the Christmas when my brother's first daughter was born. I was 16.
My mom, my 2 sisters and my brother all lived side by side. Me, my niece L, who was only 11 months younger than me (still is), her brother B and my other nephew, D, were the only ones at home on Christmas day. Everyone else was at the hospital. That was a strange Christmas. When the baby finally did come home, she was swaddled in a big red Christmas stocking. I bet kids born on Christmas get cheated when it comes to birthday gifts...

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