Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The trouble with Pigs in Blankets. A dream.

I was riding in a car with Dr. McCoy, from "Star Trek." He started thinking that he would like some fig newtons, so we stopped at a convenience store. Well, to borrow a phrase from comedian Jerry Clower, Bones had done flung a craving on me. I told him that I would like some, too. We went in, bought our boxes of fig newtons and got back on the road. When we reached our destination, which was where McCoy worked - a convenience store, no less - I pulled my box out of my bag and opened it up. It wasn't fig newtons at all, but pigs in blankets! You know, the kind you make with wieners and store bought biscuits. Only they hadn't used wieners. They had used Vienna sausages. And they were really erratic - some were mostly blanket, while some pigs looked downright chilly, having nearly no blanket at all. I showed all of this to Bones. He said, yeah that happens sometimes, but it's ok, they charged you the same as me (as if that made it alright somehow).
At about that point, the alien dignitaries arrived.

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