Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Heart and Soul.

I recently read an article about Branford Cox, the dress wearing front man for the band Deerhunter. He's in his 20s, is 6'4" and weighs 115 lbs. He has a genetic condition that causes elongated limbs, as well as heart, lung and spinal problems. He was talking about a gig they were doing in a hot, cramped venue. There was all kinds of mayhem occurring around him, but he kept singing, even though his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest.
I think it's great that this guy has achieved the "fame" that he has. I also feel for him. How much longer can he keep up the pace? In that sense, it's sad.

I realize now that I'll probably never perform again. Bear in mind, out of all of my experiences, singing in front of an audience is at the top. I felt oddly at home in front of a mike stand. The idea of singing scares me a bit, now. When I sing, I have to give it all I have. I don't think I have much to give, anymore.
It's hard to let go of something that has defined your identity your whole life.
In that sense, it's sad.

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