Friday, December 10, 2010

Just checking in.

I'm out of work. I'm still in shock, so I haven't come to terms with it. I haven't formulated a plan of action, yet. I'll make a move soon.
My drafty old house is so cold. While we're experiencing record cold weather here, I can't afford much heat. I'm trying to make the little bit of gas I have last as long as possible.
I couldn't have lost my job at a worse time. I was already dealing with depression, because of my health issues. Now I feel totally worthless. And the end of the year always brings extra expenses, like higher electric bills, gas for heating, Christmas and property taxes. Add to that the fact that I had to purchase a new phone (the old one was covered by work), with the ensuing phone bills - and I have to make a trip to see my cardiologist (a 3 hour drive, in my aged whip that needs brake work and an oil change). I'm getting unemployment benefits, but it's only half of what I was making.
I've caught a cold. So has my dog. At least, I hope that's all he has. He's developed a bad cough (that's why I'm up at 4 am), but I can't afford to take him to the vet.
An acquaintance of mine asked me, via email, how I was doing. I replied that I was ok. "That's good," he said. "I was afraid you might be depressed."
I'm just checking in. Getting things off my chest. I'll get straightened out. I hope.

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