Monday, December 13, 2010

Trying to stay busy.

I'm trying to get some things done today. Job searches, house work and a little (very little) Christmas shopping.
My silly plastic tree looks so sad with no gifts under it. Well, it does have one. It's the gift I bought my mom the year she died. She died on Dec.20, 1985 - 3 months to the day after my brother's passing. I put her present under the tree every year.
Ok, that's not a sad thing. It's a good thing. I'm just remembering her.
I'm thinking about moving my bedroom around. Sometimes it helps me to sleep better if I change it up a bit. I need to change sheets, too.
I need some weather stripping for my kitchen door. I can see day light all around it. I can feel cold air pouring in, also.
I've had breakfast (a grilled cheese sandwich) and the dog and cat have been fed. I washed a sink full of dirty dishes and swept the kitchen floor. Now I need to shave, shower and get out of the house.
As Sade sang, "What a life..."

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